Supervision Assignments

Interns have two or three primary clinical supervisors over the course of the year. Interns may rank their preferences for supervisors, and the Training Director will make assignments. Primary supervisors are responsible for facilitating comprehensive intern evaluations.

Evaluation of Interns

CAPS training staff discusses and evaluates intern progress throughout the internship year. CAPS training staff will conduct formal written evaluations at evenly spaced intervals throughout the year using the competency-based Intern Evaluation Form developed by our training staff using APA guidelines. Though other CAPS evaluative documentation might be included in an intern's permanent file, the Intern Evaluation Form is the basis for making the determination of the intern progress. Copies of completed evaluations are shared with academic programs at the mid-point and end of the training year. CAPS training staff and supervisors do not complete evaluations developed outside of CAPS and/or enter into any additional training contracts designed by academic programs. 

Intern Evaluation of Training Staff and Program

Interns complete written evaluations at various points throughout the year. Additionally, interns are encouraged to provide training staff with verbal feedback throughout the year.